
How to Remove Paint From Hardware

A minimal effort, chemical-free way to get stubborn paint off of metal

Do you have some beautiful, vintage, paint-covered hardware you want to restore? Or perhaps you just got a little lazy on your most recent painting project, and your hinges are now caked in color. Either way, this method will restore your metal hardware to its original, pre-painted condition!

How to remove paint from hardware
cabinet and furniture before and after using the crockpot method to remove paint

Supplies Needed

  • A crock pot large enough to accommodate your hardware
  • Enough water to fill the crock pot
  • Dish soap
  • A soft-bristle brush
  • The hardware you want to remove the paint from
How to use a crockpot to remove paint from metal hardware and hinges.

Using a crock pot to remove paint from hardware is a simple and effective method that utilizes heat to loosen the paint. Here is how to do it!

How to Remove Paint from Hardware

  1. Fill the Crock Pot: Fill your crock pot with enough water to fully submerge the hardware.
  2. Add Dish Soap: Add a tablespoon or two of dish soap to the water in the crock pot. This will help break down the paint.
  3. Turn on the Crock Pot: Set the crock pot to its lowest heat setting. You want the water to be hot but not boiling.
  4. Add the Hardware: Place your hardware into the crock pot, ensuring it’s fully covered by the water.
  5. Soak the Hardware: Allow the hardware to soak in the hot, soapy water for several hours or overnight. The heat and moisture will soften the paint, making it easy to remove.
  6. Scrub Away the Paint: After soaking, use a soft-bristle brush to gently scrub away the softened paint from the hardware. Depending on your hardware, you may not need to do this step…or you may need to really get after it.
  7. Rinse and Dry: Once all the paint has been removed, rinse the hardware thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Then, dry the hardware completely with a clean towel.
  8. Add a Finish (optional): Add WD-40 or a wax finish as needed.

It’s that simple!


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